Saturday, October 08, 2005


This is the best time to laze.
It has been raining heavily for the past few days. I put the sasuages to grill. I realised, from the last time, that 10mins would make them overcooked and the plate would be difficult to scrub. But 9 mins means that the sasuages would look a bit raw. So... I closed my eyes and turn the knob. 12mins.

I never read past The Two Towers of LOTR. Everytime I open the book, I only read the fellowship and the two towers. Somehow, after 2 years, I never got to know how the king returned. I didnt even watch the movie. It seemed rather boring. =p There are no good movies lately. Most of them are horrors. So... I'm gonna watch Corpse Bride. Most suitable for a frail hearted person like me.

I have been wanting to write. But, I just cant summon enough energy in me to think, or even switch on the computer. Well, but you see me blogging. Some 'nothing special' stuff.

There is a buzz recently, in the local arts scene. Lotsa exhibitions. Normally I would have wanted to go... but reading the newspapers about them is interesting too. And nobody I know would wanna go to an arts exhibition with me. And, I dont like shopping. And, I dont really fancy pool, although I like ice mocha. I really love going to the movies. Xiaoming and xl said they would go for a movie marathon with me... but, there is no word yet. =(

So, what I do daily now, is to think about how indoor plants would impress my examiners, cook sasuages, jog in the morning, go swimming on weekends, then drink coke and mocha. But the school sells really horrid mocha. But I still drink them. Cos there's only one place in school which sells mocha. Boo! And there's no coke in school. Not even diet coke. Hmm... so what I drink in school each day, is less-than-perfect mocha and lemon tea. I would have liked lemon red-tea. But there's only lemon black-tea. But... I'm not that fussy in real life. I just like to comment =p I'll drink whatever my money can get me.

Some people may ask why I like coke. I would think if you interview 20 people in my school, you wouldnt find anyone who likes coca-cola. First, I must name my favourite drinks: coca-cola, coffee and tea. See the similarity? After drinking them for a decade, you get addicted. Another reason why I like coca-cola is because I feel lazy while drinking them =P So lazy I can forget all my problems in life. A regular coke from Mac can last me for about 2 hours. Because coke is so gassy, I wouldnt try drinking them in big gulps. So.. I only sip them slowly...enjoy the coldness, enjoy the sound of ice...and laze my day away.

Sounds lazy?

Certainly. I enjoy a laid back life. More and more. More than I have ever so. My room hadnt been cleaned for long. But I spent 2 hours yesterday clearing out my closet. I dumped a whole lot of clothes which were there since 8 years ago. But I dont think I will ever clear the other parts of the room. The whole floor is strewn with notes, dust, magazines, books, files, papers and more papers. I'm so tired of trying to sort them out. Yawn~

There are some things I dread doing now. Even if I really like them last time. I'll need a very long time to rest. I was watching a tv program yesterday and there was a line which struck me for a few minutes. It says: 放下了就别想它了。Which means: Dont think about it anymore after you had let it go.

So... I'll be a deity now? haha. I'm so lazy I wont think.

Right, I spent 20mins on blogging. It had stopped rainning. =( Wish there is wind. I love it when the wind howls and all the trees outside my house rustle. It feels so comfortable.

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