Thursday, June 30, 2005

A Satanic note of interest

Well...the post before the last post was definitely not my last post..lolz.. ought not to have put it there in the title =x
Aim of this post: To provide a better insight to my inner self
I just took a quiz which I had found out from on a friend's weblog =x And the results, I couldnt keep them to myself... hahaha..

You scored as Satanism.

Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.

Satanism ----- 75%
agnosticism ----- 71%
Buddhism -----63%
Islam -----58%
Paganism ----- 58%
atheism ----- 54%
Judaism -----50%
Hinduism ----- 50%

Christianity ----- 42%

Erm...thr ought to be a table of results but I couldnt paste them here. But nvm, you can see that I scored A1 in satanism...took me a good 5mins to realise what's SATANism...lolz
I dont mind being a satanist actually =x though that's not what the 'satanism' in the test implies. On another note,I'm a huge coward so I wont do extreme things like participating in mass sucidal...but I was in the least horrified about being so alike to the 'satanist'. Before you think I'm a sadist, lolz, do realise that my score is only 75% =x I'm pretty 'all rounded' otherwise and I failed only in Christianity. Truth be told I was abit saddened but it didnt come as a real shock. I used to go to churches and believed in the goodness of it. However someway in the middle I lost faith in it.

Well, perhaps it's not in my blood to be a loyal believer. I'll leave it to the nxt time to discuss this. =x

To end this on a satanic note....MUAHAHAHAHA

p.s. xiaoming, the link u want =p


Tazzie said...

Guess it's okay to be a 'satanist' in this definition, but I don't think you'd enjoy being a SATANist satanist though..heez..
I was a 'satanist' or 'paganist' too before, for a long period of time, especially when in RV.. somehow the school seems to erode whatever stuff students believe in. Just look at EH's cynical view on God and you get what I mean.
Interesting post here.. =)
Take care and God bless~

PS. can show the quiz add? hehe..

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with being a satanist. Satanist generally focus on spiritual advancement of him/herself. Basically... you just think you are free spirited, and have not a moral code or diety to live by. Kinda like a atheist, but with strong believes in yourself =X. You don't have to worship Satan to be one =X