Sunday, August 21, 2005

In the middle of the night, or 1.55am

People dont have headaches for no reasons. Recently I seem to have more frequent headaches. I wonder if it's school work or just every other thing. Probably just lack of sleep, or too much sleep. I either sleep 4h or 14h. Thats not very healthy, haha. Once I slept for 14h, and the next day I was late for school. =.= Such irony.

When a person is busy, or stressed, or having headaches, everything seem to come out on the wrong side. This is happening to me. Maybe it's not happening to me. Jokes dont tend to be funny anymore. The interest is not there. Well, you can feel the forced laughs and basically, you have time to wonder how are you gonna keep up the conversation. But maybe it's just that the receiver of my information is, er.. bored, lol. In any case, I'm not sure if I'm talking sense now.

I enjoy thinking of titles or headings, I would say. Speaking of this I just remember I have to complete an essay on how to alleviate poverty or something like that =s There, you see, headaches do not happen for no reason =x. Back to the headings. I think it's because I think in fragmented pieces. I enjoy making loud but sweeping statements. Well, I think everyone would like that, lolz, since it does not require much braincells. I was changing my msn nick at the rate of 2 per minute tonight. Not sure if there would be some1 on my contact list would have looked at all of them =x I was having a 3 way conversation with 2 of my other girl--friends, and they were busying suan-ing me, lol. But I was having too much of a headache and well, I'm busying typing here, so I didnt pay much attention. Occassionally I alt-tab back and see phrases like xuan's-roasted-pig-viewpt, she's not a really health conscious person, she watch horror movies everyday by looking into the mirror, etc etc. lol.

A few days ago I was scanning the nicks of every1 on my msn. Weird looking at them and trying to figure out their state of mind when they put in the nicks. Well, for pple who dont hav a long statement for a nick, i.e. pple who only have their names, there is even much more to ponder over, lol. Too bad I cant copy and paste their nicks here and I'm lazy to type, if not I may use around 1h of my sleeping time to write my comments on their nicks =x But I must be executed for this. I'm wasting my time instead of doing something more productive T_T

Interest is a very important part of a person's life. Partly because 90% of the things which happens on the earth now happened bcos of interest. The other 10% happened bcos pple got lucky and the last 10% happened bcos of XXX reasons. hahaha. The reason why you and I are here, is because ur parents got a certain interest in each other =x Boo, I feel abit crude here, lolz. Sometimes I would think, well, if you think u cant find love on earth, just take a look at ur mum and dad. But thr's a possibility that they are not very loving, lolz. Still, here are mums and dads =p which meant something lovely, like love, did happen between them.

I took a cold shower at around 10pm, to wake myself up. Then I suddenly had this idea of going to the Amazon rainforest for holiday, tho it could hardly be the kind of dream holiday pple look forward to, haha. Then I started picturing what I would do if I were really there. =p Lots of places I wanna visit and so much things that I wanna do, but haiz... sometimes, really most of the time, things are against our wishes.

Back to the topic of having headaches. Maybe it's bcos I nap. I dont sleep. I nap in the afternoon. Work for a few hrs. Then nap again before I wake up in the morning. I feel abit sick, maybe a fever is coming. My stamina is bad now =.= I feel like an aunty and I look like a hag. Argh. Bad bad bad.

I wish. I could only wish. T_T

p.s. I realise I blog almost everyday. This is really not my style! Girls shld be conserved! =x Really? Tmr I'll blog about globalisation and the the liberation of minds =P

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