Tuesday, July 19, 2005

When the head is full of grass

I would like to throw a tantrum. T_T To smash things to bang dorrs to throw books and to yell. T_T Grr, I hate this. T_T I'm throwing a tamtrum inside myself since I cant possibly yell at the whole of my family or yell at my classmates. I would have very much liked to yell at some of the teachers but they didnt give me a chance with their monotonous lessons. I nearly errupted at a grp of people who were waiting the room when we were having chem tutorial today. Cant blame me. They were errupting at my ears. So bad for them that I had to sit beside the door.

Dreads. T_T
/throw a dreadful tamtrum.
I wanna go and slp but I havent finish my work and I cant find that particular log book. T_T Why cant I find my things T_T I thought so hard where I last placed them but my head is bursting. T_T boohooo
Shucks. T_T
Bad day. Bad week. Bad year. T_T
Guess I have to make do with being angry with myself cooped up in my room and sweeping all my papers onto the floor. =(
I dont need advice. I just need someone to let me throw a tamtrum at and not say a word. Grrr..

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