Friday, July 09, 2004

Fundamental Errors

Normally, the higher the post you are seated in, the surer your judgement will fail you. That's why, we see the most fundamental errors that most teachers don't.

Firstly, lets explore why the power wielders tend to be blind.
1. they deem it fit to make stupid decisions for the goodness of the world.
E.g. they shout EUREKA when we collect 4 booklets of $5 lucky draw coupons.

2. they deem it fit for us to carry out their orders whether we like it or not and whether it is feasible or not.
E.g. turn and walk that way.
E.g. stand and wait for 10 min for the sec 2s to crawl here to the stairs and remember that I say you are only allowed to stick to their butts. Otherwise we may seriously have to consider forming a peace keeping troop.

3. it gives them a sense of accomplishment to see us doing something against our will.
E.g. They set up a forum discussing uniforms, force us to take sides that we don't want, try to brainwash us by distributing worksheets that make us fill in theIr answers and in the end, say NO to all our suggestions and thank us with several snide remarks for wasting their precious time.

4. they believe that these ordeals will scuplture our minds for the challenges ahead of us. (of course, we learnt that principals are the best thing to challenge to. But,sad to say, not everyone has the fortune to have a pricipal who has a physique so huge and mind so backward that seems impossible to challenge, which is of course, where all the fUn is.)

5. they remain strongly rooted in their beliefs that the mind of their students are jolly well meant for their manipulation.
E.g. everything is our beloved school's building fund, sweetheart, we have to suck you dry for the imaginary arts centre.
E.g. dear ungrateful boys and girls, the home economics, design and technology and arts and craft are actually part of an important plan that gives us experience in Psychomotor, IT and laboratory.
E.g. dear ignorant students, the english projects are meant to be what we call Independent Inquiry Work that will prepare you for your life.
E.g. dear sweeties, there is something called the referal form which you can submit to HOD Pupil Welfare. It really is part of a SECRET plan we hope that will promote emotional development in pupils.
E.g. Lastly, my innocent babies, we spent billions of dollars and time to keep our plans for nurturing special talents, encouraging global perspective and going IT under the wraps. You are supposed to be a sweet dud and fufill your duties and fill in all the blanks in the worksheet i gave you during PDP last week. And you are supposed to boast about how well the school can keep things secretive.
E.g. There are seven main special programmmes in RV that only a privilledged few shall participate, teachers must manipulate and the rest must weep and give thanks for the prestige of knowing that the school lets you in on these confidential and honourable plans that keeps the MOE happy, reporters busy and the official webpage cheesy.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Trapped in Your Own Mind, Disillusioned by the World

The path to success would never be easy.
If it has been, than it's merely called a blessing. And blessings will never last.
If you see someone glamorous, you see only a fraction of him.
If you feel that life has always been a breeze, then you are not working hard enough.
If you feel that life is a chore, then you are too hard on yourself.

If you are starting to dread life and feel sorry for yourself, tell you what, that's completely uncool and stupid.
If you only envy the others and blame your fate, tell you what, it's time to start working for yourself.
If you can't find anything to spur yourself on tell you what:
1. You control your own life.
2. You can mess up your life or live it to the fullest.
3. Your success is all yours to claim.
4. Your parents love you.
5. Your parents feel unhappy when you don't although they don't show it.
6. You have only one life.
7. If this is doesn't appeal to you, try this:
8. Work for someone else.
9. Work for your parents.
10. Make them proud of you.
11. Make your success the bonus of their life.
12. Work for your friends. (I mean true friends.)
13. Try, fail, cry, succeed and weep with them.

Sidetrack a little...
True friends are really hard to find.
Good friends are only a handful.
A friend for a lifetime, is to be treasured.
What I reckon should one call a true friend:
1. She tells you that your mouth realy shoots off at the wrong time.
2. She tells you off for spending too much money.
3. She stands up for you when the big bully scorns at you.
4. She stays commited to the friendship.
5. She doesn't try to lick your boots... or your toes.
6. You open your heart to her.
7. You tell her your darkest secret without feeling darn stupid. (Unless you are really shy... but at least you said.)
8. You feel at ease with her.
9. You don't leave her just because you are sick of sticking around her.

10. Both of you treasure the friendship.
11. You want to be friends for life.
12. You envision her being your bridesmaid... (hehe!!)

Remember, you are not God, you are not perfect.
Remember, you are not Almighty, you won't be able to control your life and plan every single detail and despair when you don't meet your expectations.

Be at ease with yourself.
Don't be taunted by the world.
Remember, the world is NOTHING without us.
It's not abnormal that life is especially hard.
It's just that you've reached another stage of your life.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

A Dash of Winter Solace

What is it in a dream?
That so many heros die for.
What is it you call malice?
That so many dreams are dashed for.

Tracing the steps
on the snow clad grounds.
What is it you call imprints,
that would soon be troden by time.

The wind mock at my solace.
The chill tease my lonesome shadow.
Looking at the fading light,
what is it you call a dream?

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Roasted like peanuts

Roasted like peanuts,
punched by the wind.
Sailing by the river,
in mid summer.

Oh, what is it that
most trouble
the sweet bluejays
in the golden stubbles?

Bathing in the golden heat
indulging in the
sweetness of the journey.
Drifting towards to land
of ever goodness.